Friday 11 February 2011

Potential Opinion Formers

Below are the mood boards that we created that outline our 3 potential opinion formers. We selected Jorge Dainton, a Connector, Sarah Combe a Mavern, and Si Mason another Connector. The boards outline the reasons as to why we thought each person was suitable for the role as our Opinion Former. 

Sarah Combe was originally selected, but unfortunately she broke her leg so was no longer in a position to work with us. We then had to wait for more trainers to be sent our way, until we discovered that Si Mason, the Connector was New Balance's preference and an 'ideal New Balance consumer' (Michael Clarke).

It is interesting to note the trainer choices made by each opinion former- the two connectors have both chosen bright, bold, statement making designs, whereas the mavern has chosen plain, functional options; reflecting their personalities further.

Jorge Dainton- The Connector 

 Sarah Combe- The Mavern

Si Mason, The Connector 

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