Friday 11 March 2011

Brand Mapping

We asked Si to record the brands he interacts with on a daily basis, and the results were very useful. The brand board created shows that despite being a student and not having a lot of money, Si relies on strong, established, quality brands for most things, with the occasional value purchase. 

He likes to spend money on good services and products, so he is likely to think through his purchasing decision rather than make a rash decision on the day. This means that products need to be marketed to him in a way that make them seem good quality, he needs to be exposed to some word of mouth marketing so that he knows of other people who like the brand and product and he needs to be convinced that the product is right for him and his lifestyle.

He spends time everyday online, on social networking sites such as Facebook, as well video sites You Tube, Vimeo, music sites (Spotify)  and TV catch up sites. This is useful to know. When we come to create our marketing campaign we should consider placing an aspect of our campaign online, on a site such as YouTube, as this is where the Tier 2 consumer can be found every day in their spare time.

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