Wednesday 23 March 2011

New Balance Research Blog: Viral Video

New Balance Research Blog: Viral Video: "This is the stop-motion viral video we made as a group... The main concept behind the campaign video will be ‘Make Your Mark’; encouraging ..."

My team mate Abbie has posted our Viral Video on her blog. The video shows the New Balance stickers escaping out of a New Balance vending machine, the stickers are alive and move across the city, making a New Balance mark where they leave. They then turn any trainers they come across into New Balance too, which represents how New Balance can make their mark on the trainer scene.

As New Balance is an understated brand, this video is designed to be viral only, it will not appear on TV as the brand does not want to become mainstream (and cannot afford TV ads anyway!).

The video is about making your mark on the trainer scene and moving away from the mainstream.

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